Jan 10, 2013

TidyMom: photographing FOOD: I’m Lovin’ It

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photographing FOOD: I'm Lovin' It
Jan 11th 2013, 01:30


Over the past four+ years of blogging, I've developed an addiction to food photography.

Make People Hungry

I’ve had a passion for photography for as long as I can remember, and blogging introduced me to food photography and I was hooked from the first click.  I love the styling, the props, the mood, the lighting……it all gets me excited.  I’ve swooned over food photography on other blogs, websites, magazines, ads…any where I spot a food photo.  I’ve taken thousands of shots of food over the years trying to get similar results.  Sometimes I’m excited and can’t believe I got “that” shot, other times I get frustrated and can’t figure why it wasn’t working that time.

The funny thing about photography is there is no “magic formula” to learn.  Yes, you need to understand light, f-stops, shutter speed and ISO…….but there’s no one perfect equation that works every time.  Not with natural light photography anyway.  Then throw food styling into the mix and OMG, there’s SO much to learn!

So needless to say, I LOVE to immerse myself into the subject with anyone who will talk about it with me, and I always have my eye peeled for books and online tips and tutorials.

I recently stumble onto Taylor Mathis from Taylor Takes a Taste and the creator of photographing FOOD

Taylor is a professional food photographer who wants to help you learn to take better pictures of your food! Did you hear that?! He a professional food photographer wants to help ME!

Taylor Takes a Taste has several food photography tutorials tips and tricks on the site, and now he is offering a downloadable PDF exploring the world of food photography, photographing FOOD…. each issue Taylor will walk you through a topic related to food photography.

issue No. 1 is Window Lighting

Photographing Food cover

Window lighting is the most simplest and least expensive way to light your images. Not only does Taylor show you how to use window light but he also shows  you how your garage door can easily be used to make a great daylight studio (oh how I WISH we had a garage!) . Don't have access to daylight shooting hours?(BIG issue for many during the winter months) Don't worry, he covers that too (one of the main reasons I downloaded the pdf)

photographing food at night

The three images above were taken at night with a $10 light source!  Taylor shows you how!   Short on space?  These images were all taken on a kitchen counter or on the floor. This issue is filled with step by step and behind the scene shots showing you exactly how he arrived at each final shot.

Photographing Food look inside

So, if you got a new camera for Christmas, your New Year's resolution is to improve your food photography, or you just have a passion for photography…..you will love this guide.  No matter what your skill level or experience, there is something for everyone in photographing FOOD.

This issue is available as a downloadable PDF. It is formatted to read beautifully on your computer, ipad or iphone. It was the best $5 I’ve spent in a long time!

Photographing Food cover 5 dollars

The next issue of photographing FOOD is on COLOR and should be out at the end of January 2013.

What’s in my camera bag?

Nikon D7000

Nikon 50mm 1.4D lens

Tamron 28-75 2.8 lens

Westcott Ice Light

Sling Style Camera Strap


So what about you? do you have a passion for food photography?

I'm Lovin It Party at TidyMom.net every week!

I’m Lovin’…….photographing FOOD

Now it's your turn! Please remember to link back to http://TidyMom.net

Let us know what you're lovin’ this week!

*Don’t forget to come back over the weekend for the I’m Lovin’ It Wrap Up post……where I feature a few of the great links!!

What is I’m Lovin’ It Fridays? get all the info, how to’s trouble shoot and button here

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